Get Involved

We know that one of the best ways to grow in your faith and your friendships at church is to get involved. There are many ways to do that at St. Michael's, so there's sure to be an opportunity that fits you.

Sunday Mornings

Our Sunday worship is a group effort! From preparing the altar to running the sound board, there are lots of opportunities for you to join in.

  • Altar Guild: These are the people who prepare the altar before the service, clean up afterward, and care for the altar linens and vessels. If you like behind-the-scenes work, the Altar Guild could be a great fit for you.

  • Ushers: Do you like to help people feel welcome and make things run smoothly? The usher team could be just the right opportunity for you.

  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs): a fancy title for a simple but meaningful job. LEMs read the scriptures, lead the prayers of the people, and assist the priest in serving communion.

  • Sound board operators: These are the people who keep the priest and the LEM miked and sounding good. No previous experience needed; we're happy to train you.

If you're interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us and we'll be in touch.


Do you like to pray for others? If so, please consider joining our prayer ministry team or our intercessory prayer team:

  • Prayer ministry: Individuals or teams of prayer ministers are available to pray with people at the end of the service each Sunday. Some background or training in healing prayer is preferred.

  • Intercessory prayer: Our intercessory prayer team prays for the needs of those in our congregation. Prayer requests are circulated by email, and the ability to maintain confidentiality is key.

If you're interested in being part of our prayer ministry, please contact us and we'll be in touch.


Our primary local outreach partner is the Haymarket Regional Food Pantry. Every Sunday we collect donations of food and supplies; there are also a variety of opportunities for people to volunteer with the Food Pantry.

If you're interested in learning more about outreach opportunities with the Food Pantry, please contact us and we'll be in touch.