
Weekly Sunday worship is at the heart of the life of the St. Michael’s community. We offer both in-person and online worship and encourage people to choose the option that is right for them.

Our in-person worship is at 10:30 am in the historic chapel at Greenwich Presbyterian Church. We celebrate Holy Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, each week.

We follow CDC guidance regarding masking. Currently, masks are optional while in the chapel.

The service will also be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Please click here for more details about online worship.

Who we are

We are a small, dedicated, and loving congregation that is always thrilled to welcome newcomers. Many of us are empty-nesters, but we have members of all ages, and children and grandchildren are especially welcome.

Where we meet

We meet in the historic chapel at Greenwich Presbyterian Church. Our service begins at 10:30 am and usually lasts about 75 minutes. You can expect a blend of traditional and contemporary music, several scripture readings, a thoughtful sermon, written and spontaneous prayers, and the Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper).

What to expect

Nursery care is available throughout the entire service for children 4 and younger, however all children—and their wiggles!—are very welcome in the worship service.

You’ll find people wearing everything from casual to business casual, and we’ll happily welcome you exactly as you are.

St. Michael’s takes the safety and protection of children very seriously. All adults who work with children have undergone training and background checks, and we adhere to the Policy for the Protection of Children of the Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.