Life Together

At St. Michael’s, our life together extends beyond Sunday worship. There are a variety of ways that we gather to enjoy community and to live out our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ.


We’re a friendly bunch! And we really enjoy spending time together. Each Sunday after the service, we gather in the fellowship hall for coffee, treats, and good conversation.

On the first Thursday of the month, we have a “Thankful Thursday” lunch. This fun and informal gathering is always a sure bet for a delicious meal and warm fellowship. All are welcome, and it’s a great way to experience some St. Michael’s hospitality.

We also host other fellowship opportunities from time to time throughout the year.


We take seriously Jesus’ call to care for the poor and marginalized. As a congregation, we partner with the Haymarket Regional Food Pantry, which we support with our time, our prayers, and regular food and financial donations. The Food Pantry serves over 500 individuals in the Haymarket area every month.

We are also committed to upholding the sanctity of life. Members of St. Michael’s participate in the ministries of Anglicans for Life and other sanctity-of-life organizations.

Members of St. Michael’s are also individually committed to a variety of mission and service efforts, both internationally and in their communities.

Spiritual Formation

St. Michael’s people are people who want to keep growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. So we offer occasional adult education series, and we encourage people to take advantage of the plethora of conferences, workshops, and retreats that other area churches and ministries offer. Additionally, members of the church often gather on their own for prayer and bible study.


As one longtime member regularly reminds us on Sunday mornings, “St. Michael’s is a praying church!” We believe that prayer is a vital part of life as a follower of Jesus, and that God works through our prayers in truly amazing ways.

You can learn more about prayer at St. Michael’s here.